Summer brings with itself hot weather and long mornings filled with delicious cold treats. After the long hibernation of winter, you can get out of the cocoon and enjoy scrumptious treats like ice-creams, pies, cookies, popsicles, and so much more!
However, no matter how appetizing these foods are, you must make up for the calories. We have to maintain that body! You’ll be surprised to know that it takes 20 to 30 minutes of exercise (cycling, HIIT, swimming, weight lifting, and tennis) to burn the fat from summer treats.
Apart from tennis and golf, go try these following summer sports to be in shape while still making the most of the weather:
1. Swimming
Swimming is the perfect sport for summer. If you’re not a fan of sweating and being under the scorching sun, you’ve to make it your go-to activity. You’ll get to utilize the muscles of your hands and legs while lessening the impact on the knees and ankles.
2. Surfing
Surfing is now the new league of summer water sports. You can simply paddle, roam around in the waves, have an adventure while riding waves, or just have a blissful time on the water – surfing is limitless and exciting. The shoulders and arms are exercised while paddling, and the core and lower body get trained when keeping balance and adjusting the direction.

Tired of the sweltering hot sun and want to squeeze in a quick workout? HIIT is your answer. You can do this high-intensity and quick workout in the comfort of your cold living room. HIIT follows a pattern – vigorous exercise followed by active recovery periods. This allows you to burn more fat and keep your heart healthy.
The Do-It-Anywhere HIIT workout consists of:
- 50 Sit-Ups
- 40 Jump Squats
- 30 Push-Ups
- 20 Split Jumps (Jumping Lunges)
- 10 Tricep Dips

4. Cycling
As daunting as cycling sounds in hot weather, it is fun and will help keep your body in check. Who says you’ve to participate in the Tour de France? Just whip out your bike and go for a quick cycle around the neighborhood. Enjoy the leisurely ride and take in the scenic view while still burning the excess fat from your body. Or, exercise on the stationary bike while playing an interesting TV show on a tablet in front of you is a cooler alternative.
5. Beach Volleyball
Beaches are the place to be during summer. So, why not take advantage of it and indulge in beach volleyball? Even if you haven’t played it before, it is a relatively simple game you can master within hours – lift, hit, and smash! And the best part? You’ll be burning around 400 kcal every hour!
6. Weight Lifting
If you’re a heavy workout enthusiast who prefers to stay indoors, then weight-lifting is the summer sport for you. You wouldn’t have to wander out in the sun and still maintain your muscle mass – healthy and beneficial!
Summer is the time to say goodbye to all inhibitions and say yes to all tasty treats. However, that does not mean you’ll have to compromise on your body. Try out these healthy summer sports we’ve listed and eat everything you want without guilt – it is fantastic weather, after all!