Yoga in Sanskrit means union that represents connection. Couples yoga or partner yoga is all about establishing a solid connection with your partner and strengthening your relationship.
If you have been on a solo yoga journey for a while, it is time now to take your journey to the next level by practicing couples yoga. Doing yoga with your partner ensures that you spend some quality time together and have some fun while improving your physical and mental health together.
The information provided below will discuss some benefits of doing couples yoga and help you learn a few easy poses.
Benefits of doing couples yoga
- Improves communication
- Enhances physical and mental support
- Creates fun moments and long-lasting memories
- Mastering the art of letting go
- Improves trust and builds confidence in each other
- Increased awareness of each others touch
Easy yoga poses for couples to practice
1. Partner Twist
Benefits -
It helps strengthen the core and exercise your obliques and hip flexors when connecting with your partner with the breath.
Movement instructions-
- Sit on the yoga mat back to back.
- Cross your legs at the ankles or shins. Allow yourself to feel and connect with your partner.
- Inhale and raise your arms upwards, stretching your spine in the process.
- Breathe out, exhale and twist to the left. Then your left hand is brought inside your partner's right knee and your right hand outside your left knee or thigh.
- Hold for three to five breaths, then exhale, untwist and repeat the movement on the opposite side.
2. Seated cat-cow
Benefits -
This pose is a good stretch for the hip, core, and back. It also helps in opening up the chest.
Movement instructions-
- Sit in front of your partner.
- Cross your legs with your knees touching the knees of your partner.
- Hold them with their forearms.
- While holding each other, pull your shoulder back and down.
3. Partner forward fold
This pose stretches the hamstrings.
Movement instructions-
- Sit in front of your partner.
- Straighten your legs with feet placed against your partners.
- Hold each other's forearms.
- Now one of you will lean forward while the other will pull them gently.
4. Twin trees
It helps in improving balance and also opens up the hips.
Movement instructions-
- Stand next to your partner shoulder to shoulder.
- Place your feet on the floor nicely.
- Lift your opposite legs and bend them at the knee joint touching each other's feet.
- You can now hold each other with hands in front of the chest.
- If you want, you can raise one arm over the shoulder and make this pose a bit more difficult.
5. Squat hold
This pose strengthens your quadriceps muscle.
Movement instructions-
- Stand in front of your partner.
- Grip each other's forearms in the wrist for support.
- Not slowly go down in the squat position with your feet hip-width apart.
- Hold this pose as long as both of you are comfortable doing it.
The bottom line
Whichever pose you choose to start with and how many minutes you do couples yoga will not matter. The whole point of this exercise is to increase the quality of time spent with each other while improving physical and mental health. So grab a yoga mat and your partner for an exciting and fun session of couple yoga.